Meet bright spark Lucas Flathaug

Date: 11 Jan 2024

Swapping university for a trade has been a winning call for Dilworth alumnus Lucas Flathaug.

Not only is the electrical apprentice following his passion but he’s got a one-way ticket to a very bright future.

“The tracks had been laid for university study – I’d achieved three excellence endorsements and was also offered a Staples Education Foundation Scholarship,” explains Dilworth’s 2021 Deputy Head Boy. “But after some serious soul searching I realised going to university wasn’t lining up with what I envisioned for my future. I wanted a pathway to a great job that would always be in high demand, I wanted to earn good money, and I wanted to travel and work all over the world. Becoming an electrician was an ideal fit.”

It was a tough decision, but once made everything fell into place, and since starting his apprenticeship two years ago Lucas has gone from strength to strength.

“Towards the end of Year 13 the Dilworth careers advisor put me in touch with the director of a large electrical firm in the commercial sector to find out more about the industry. I went in for a chat, and came out with a job!”

Now working for small residential company Echo Electrical, Lucas has enjoyed exposure to both the commercial and residential side of the sector, plus the chance to cut his teeth on a range of high-profile projects including the development of Costco, the Carlaw Park Student Village and the new Cardinal Logistics facility in Drury. He has met like-minded people and developed a keen understanding of “how things work”.

“That’s a skill that can’t be underestimated – it’s incredibly valuable. I actually didn’t take any practical subjects at Dilworth, so I was worried I might struggle to understand things. But it turned out my subject choices weren’t a barrier to getting, or progressing in, my apprenticeship.”

As Lucas has discovered, the foundations laid at Dilworth stand students in strong stead, regardless of their chosen career trajectory.

“Dilworth gives you access to a great education. If you have aspirations and goals and you want support, the staff are there for you. They want you to grow and be the best you can be, whatever that might entail.”

Lifelong friends and outstanding mentors are other Dilworth mainstays.

“What really elevates Dilworth is the brotherhood aspect of the school – that Dilworth connection is incredibly powerful and that’s never going to change. Also for me, having positive male role models had a massive impact. The guidance I received from those who taught and cared for me at Dilworth has been pivotal to my success.”

Now entering the third year of his apprenticeship Lucas is excited about all that lies ahead.

“University isn’t the only valid pathway for high achievers. I can’t wait to travel and work overseas and eventually I’d like to start my own business. People always need electrical work done, and if you’re good at what you do this is a great industry to make your mark in.”