Boarding at Dilworth

Boarding allows students to get involved in everything Dilworth has to offer. It also develops skills and independence, opening up a world of opportunity.

A strong family and community culture is created to enhance students’ experience. Our staff understand that boarding can be a difficult transition for students and their whānau and are committed to making Dilworth a ‘home away from home’. A strong support network is provided, which includes managing day-to-day care and well-being, tending to minor injuries or illnesses and monitoring academic, sporting and co-curricular progress. Additional support is available through Dilworth’s Psychologist and Counselling Service if needed.

Boarding at Dilworth is centred around each student's social and personal development while prioritising academic development. The experience of boarding also provides an ideal environment for developing character. Respect, empathy, kindness, and independence are all required for successful boarding. Students' engagement and enjoyment are paramount, they learn many precious life skills from living as boarders. 

Most students go home on the weekends, with a provision made for out-of-town students (stay-backs) and around winter sports.

We encourage whānau to be part of our young men’s boarding experience. We facilitate ongoing communication through phone calls, emails, attending school events, and regular conversations with house staff at drop-offs. Students from Auckland can also keep links with local sporting or cultural clubs, and we try to grant leave where possible a week for outside practices (subject to fulfilling Dilworth obligations).

Meals cater for the needs of growing active young men. Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner are provided. The meals are both wholesome and nutritious. 

Special dietary requirements and allergies can be accommodated. 

Our Staff 

Each boarding house is led by a House Leader, who is supported by House Managers and Coordinators. House assistants help students with their studies and activities. A dean is also associated with each year’s group to oversee students’ academic development and assist with pastoral care.

Isabella Dilworth Lodge

If a student’s home or boarding environment is temporarily disrupted, Isabella Dilworth Lodge provides short-term respite care.

The lodge ensures a safe and caring stay, overseen by two House 'Parents'.

Read more here about Isabella Dilworth House.