Meet Sammy Liu mother of 2023 Head Prefect Harry

Date: 26 Mar 2024

Sammy Liu, mother of 2023 Head Boy Harry Liu, on Dilworth’s transformative effect on her family.

How did you first hear about Dilworth?

One of my friends recommended Dilworth to us so I got to know and understand more about it, he was such a good man and he helped me with the application process.

When we discovered Dilworth, it had been in the spotlight and was focused heavily on child safety. The processes were so thorough and careful that I knew he was in good hands from day one and that I didn’t have to worry.

Why did you choose to come to the school?

We have a small family, only me and Harry and as a single mum I wanted Harry to have role models and to learn how to be a good man. Dilworth is designed for boys and there are so many excellent leaders.

How has your son grown and changed during his time at the school?

At first, it was so hard, we both cried! Harry was still young, not yet 10, and away from home but the Matron at Junior Campus gave me so much comfort. In the early years, I tried to get involved as much as I could and there were plenty of opportunities to go into school, see the kids and break up the week before Harry came home for the weekend. I used to attend Dilworth Chapel every Sunday. Watching Harry and the other boys there meant I could start my week happy.

Harry has grown so much. To start with he was very shy and quiet and lacked confidence. In the Junior Campus, he used to fly under the radar, but then he completely changed. In Year 9, he went to what was then the Rural Campus and absolutely loved it. He was never outdoorsy, but he became more adventurous and loved every minute of camping, rock climbing and doing all the activities. It increased his confidence, leadership and maturity. In Year 12 he became the Head of Armagh, his house, and got leadership opportunities through that.

I told Harry he needed to make the most of the opportunity he had been given – opportunities like this are so rare in life and shouldn’t be wasted, and not everyone is lucky enough to get accepted and get a scholarship to Dilworth. Harry has far exceeded my expectations.

What impact has Dilworth had for you, personally?

Dilworth doesn’t just provide an opportunity for the young men, but it is so helpful for the families, too. Before Dilworth, I didn’t have any income as I was staying home to look after Harry. Dilworth took away the financial pressure by providing everything Harry needed, and it gave me time to build my career. Having that financial stability has been transformative for both of us.

Would you recommend Dilworth to other parents?

I have talked about Dilworth to everyone I know! I don’t think people see enough of what Dilworth does, all of the school’s successes. I’d like to see as many people as possibly take up this opportunity because, for us, it’s changed our life.  

Harry is now studying Health Sciences at university and hopes to go into medicine.