Dilworth Response

The Dilworth Trust Board acknowledges the historical abuse that occurred at Dilworth School and is committed to fully, openly and honestly confronting the issue. That some students who attended Dilworth School suffered abuse during their time at Dilworth is completely unacceptable.

Dilworth Response oversees the Dilworth Trust Board’s commitment. 

To find out more about Dilworth Response, visit: Dilworth Response.

The People Changing Dilworth - Dan Reddiex, Headmaster

 "Our commitment to the next generation of students is for Dilworth to provide the safest and best education available in New Zealand.”

Dilworth School is one of the largest boarding schools in Australasia. With junior, senior, and outdoor campuses across three locations, a day school option soon to be available at Year 7 & 8, and approximately 500 students, all on fully funded scholarships, it stands alone in the New Zealand educational landscape for both its model and the opportunities it provides.

Education expert and reformer Dan Reddiex became Dilworth’s Headmaster in 2019, just as the truth about historical abuse at the school was emerging.  With the full backing of the Dilworth Trust Board, he and his senior team have made profound changes at the school.  They have reset its culture, putting students’ education, safety, care, and development at the centre of everything they do – in line with the mission of Dilworth’s founders James and Isabella Dilworth.

In September 2022, Dilworth became the first school in New Zealand to gain Child Wise accreditation. “Our safeguarding commitments are now part of our DNA. And the changes in Dilworth’s culture mean we’re shifting to a critical mass of students now asking themselves, ‘Why wouldn’t I be the best version of me? Why wouldn’t I try as hard as I can?’ It’s all about personal excellence.” 

The promise for the next generation is the safest and best education available in New Zealand: “What’s coming next is tremendous. So come, be a man of great values, achieve personal excellence, then go and effect change in your life beyond.”

The numbers say it all.

  • 72.9% Year 13 students gained University Entrance in 2023 (47.2% National Average)
  • 97.1% Year 13 students gained NCEA Level 3 in 2023 (66.2% National Average)
  • 100% Year 13 students from the Class of 2022 were either enrolled in tertiary study, doing an apprenticeship or employed on 1 April 2023

Commitment to Child Safety at Dilworth School

Dilworth cares deeply about the safety, welfare, and well-being of those in our school community. Today Dilworth has zero tolerance for abuse of any kind- safeguarding and wellbeing of students are in line with current and world-leading best practices. In September 2022 Dilworth was the first school in New Zealand to gain Child Wise Accreditation.

Child Wise is an Australian-based programme designed to assist organisations in embedding Child Wise Safeguarding Standards.

Dilworth is committed to a mindset of continuous awareness and improvement. Ten Australian National Child Safe Principles guide our school as we uphold an environment where student safety and wellbeing are intrinsic to our culture and remain at the centre of our thinking, values and actions.


boys sitting on the grass under a tree on the field

A Dilworth scholarship can assist families and caregivers to give their young man the education they know he deserves.

A scholarship to Dilworth is worth more than $50,000 per year and covers tuition, books, uniforms, sports fees and music tuition, school trips and camps, outdoor education, dedicated careers advisors and boarding (day school option available for Junior Campus). 

Dilworth offers a multitude of opportunities, a strong pastoral care system and quality teaching.


Nga korero hou

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A Dilworth Education

Supporting the development of the whole student is an integral part of the Dilworth experience. Students are offered a multitude of opportunities, a strong pastoral care system and quality teaching.

Dilworth has three campuses in Auckland: the Junior Campus is home to our Year 7 and 8 students, Years 9 to 13 are located at the Senior Campus, and all year groups have the opportunity to attend our Mangatāwhiri Campus annually for learning in the outdoors experience.

Dilworth offers NCEA at Year 12 and 13. Students in all year levels are challenged academically and supported extensively. Small class sizes, a bespoke curriculum and specialist teachers ensure students reach their academic potential. Student results reflect this reality.