Careers and Transition

Beyond Dilworth

We believe in preparing every student well for life after Dilworth

Our careers and transitions programmes focus on helping young men to explore their options so they can make informed choices about what they do next.

Careers advice

Our Careers Advisor works with ākonga, teachers and house staff to determine a direction for each student and make a plan for their future after school.

Students are encouraged to learn how to self-manage their career and personal development
throughout their lives.

Boys in all year levels have the chance to:

  • discuss their interests, talents and aspirations – and where these might lead them
  • explore what subjects they will need or find useful for further study or employment
  • find out about polytechnic and trade courses, apprenticeships, university study options,
    entry requirements and scholarships
  • learn how to write a good CV and cover letter, develop their interview skills and
    understand the importance of having an appropriate social media presence
  • connect with employers and learn more about the world of work through a variety of initiatives 

Transition Education

Transition classes deliver the necessary skills and knowledge for students to successfully move on from Dilworth to tertiary education or work.

In Year 11, students begin to explore opportunities for their future by learning about themselves and their possible pathways. Students develop a deeper understanding of how to live in the world and safely manage themselves, their responsibilities and relationships. Topics include: knowing self, careers, goal setting, building good relationships, being healthy, keeping safe, caring for children and study skills.

In Year 12, students continue their personal development and start to define pathways. Students develop practical skills and knowledge for life after Dilworth. Topics include: responsible driving, financial literacy, flatting, finding work, job interviews, communication, car and home maintenance, and basic cooking.

Ongoing support

We continue to help Dilworth boys once they leave our gates. Ongoing support and advice is available to former students where required.

They are also encouraged to join the Dilworth Old Boys’ Association, where they find strong networks, further support and assistance with career opportunities.