Dilworth Old Boys' Association (DOBA)

The Dilworth Old Boys’ Association boasts a base comprising thousands of former students who have shared their educational journey at Dilworth School. With its establishment dating back to 1919 the Association proudly carries a rich legacy, recently commemorating a significant milestone of 100 years in 2019.

The core foundation of the Association rests upon its original purpose; being the aim to foster camaraderie among all Old Boys, practice an enduring interest in the School, offer unwavering support to the institution's endeavours and empower school leavers as they embark on their path beyond the gates.

Emphasising the importance of staying connected the Association wholeheartedly encourages all Old Boys to maintain bonds and embrace the myriad opportunities it provides to reconnect with fellow Old Boys, former staff members, and most notably, to engage with the present generation of Dilworth boys. In doing so the Association perpetuates the legacy of establishing rapport with future Old Boys while inspiring them to seize the full potential of their Dilworth experience.

Through its numerous initiatives, the Dilworth Old Boys’ Association serves as a means of maintaining lifelong connections. By upholding the values and traditions of Dilworth School the association continues to help shape the lives of its members and contribute to the ongoing success of both individuals and the larger Dilworth community.

Fundamental to the Association's functioning is a dedicated council entrusted with upholding these objectives. Should you require any further information or wish to explore the benefits of being part of this remarkable association please do not hesitate to reach out to any of these current Councilors;

President: Gerry Smutz – president@doba.nz
Read more about our President Gerry here

Secretary: Andrew Gladding – secretary@doba.nz
Andrew Gladding (1990-1997, Donegal) was elected to Council this year. An indication of Andy’s commitment to the Council is that he volunteered to take on the duties of Secretary and was duly appointed to fulfil that role. After leaving School he went on to work in the hospitality industry which took him overseas to London. Andy returned to N.Z. in 2017. He put his hand up as a candidate for Council when he recognised it as the opportunity to re-establish contacts with the mates he made at Dilworth and to encourage their increased involvement with DOBA. He also admits he saw it as an opportunity to be granted a leave pass at least once a month to catch up with the boys at Council meetings.

Treasurer: Pernell Callaghan - treasurer@doba.nz
Pernell Callaghan (2004-2010, Gibson/Dungannon) has been the Treasurer since 2020 and takes pride in giving back to Dilworth. Originally a country boy from Hikurangi, Northland, Pernell currently resides and works in Newmarket. Pernell currently owns and operates three businesses, one in the real estate technology sector, one in the private wealth management space and one in the finance industry. Employing approximately 170 people across the group Pernell has a large network of Old Boys and enjoys creating introductions for those in similar business sectors or where boys require help in certain industries.

Stuart McDonald
Stewart McDonald (1979-1984, Dungannon) was re-elected this year as Councillor of the Dilworth Old Boys’ Association for 2023. Stewart is serving for his second term on council. On leaving School he joined the construction industry as a trade certified Painter and Decorator in 1985. He has spent the last 38 years in the painting industry as painter, foreman and operations manager. Stuart lives in Papatoetoe, Auckland and is still in regular contact with the friends he made at Dilworth.

Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart (1983-1990, Tyrone) was elected to council this year. Colin is one of several related Dilworth Old Boys, following in the footsteps of his father, uncle and two elder brothers.  Colin represented the school in 1st XI cricket and soccer, badminton, swimming, cross country and athletics, being the school champion in the latter two in his senior year. Prior to joining the commercial property industry in early 2002, he worked as a civil engineer both in New Zealand and overseas. Following ten years in commercial real estate he took a four year break returning to the construction industry. In this time he built bridges and roads in American Samoa, tendered projects in Thailand and was a senior engineer on the construction of the Waterview Tunnel project in Auckland before returning to the commercial real estate industry in 2016.

Keki Wilson
Keki (Mamea) Wilson (1983-1990, Tyrone) was elected to council this year. Keki has continued his involvement with Dilworth since leaving School including the coaching of Junior Campus Sports Teams with the assistance of fellow Old Boy Mariota Smutz. As a member of N.Z. Police and holding the rank of Inspector he has been involved in organising vocationally oriented Police Display days at the Junior Campus when, in his words, “the Boys in blue show off their toys to the boys”. This includes fully kitted Officers, cars, dog squads and the Police Helicopter all visiting the School “in force”.  Keki is proud to state that some of those boys, now Old Boys, have chosen to join N.Z. Police as a career choice.

Dean Ginders
The Association sadly regrets having to advise of Dean’s very recent death. Dean Ginders (1976-1983, Tyrone) was re-elected as a Councillor of the Dilworth Old Boys’ Association for 2023. Dean was serving for his second term on council. He was dedicated to serving the association and Dean was always behind the barbecue at every home game and on the side line of every away 1st XV rugby game as he was a strong supporter of Dilworth and Rugby. Dean spent time on DOBA council, meetings and functions to assist in reconnecting old boys with their mates and also as a commitment to Dilworth which gave him and his family so much. RIP, Dean.

Past President: Cody Carnachan